Hello family & friends!
I have officically been in Spain for 2 weeks now, which its crazy. Time seems to be flying by. I am almost finished with my first class, Artistic Monuments. Like I said in an eariler post, the majority of this class we are walking around the city visiting different historical sites. Thus far, my favorite places we have visited have been, the Real Alcázar de Sevilla, and the Cathedral de Sevilla. I find the buildings here so interesting because they never really tear anything down. Throughout history, when a new group of people would take over the city, they would just build on top of what was already there. The Alcázar is a palace that was orginally built by Muslims and then added on to when the Christians took over the city. I find it so interesting to be able to see so much history from one building. My favorite part of the palace was the gardens. I feel as if I could wander through them for hours and still have so much to see. They were breath-takingly beautiful.

Some of the altars in the Cathedral.

View of the city from the cathedral's tower.
I have officically been in Spain for 2 weeks now, which its crazy. Time seems to be flying by. I am almost finished with my first class, Artistic Monuments. Like I said in an eariler post, the majority of this class we are walking around the city visiting different historical sites. Thus far, my favorite places we have visited have been, the Real Alcázar de Sevilla, and the Cathedral de Sevilla. I find the buildings here so interesting because they never really tear anything down. Throughout history, when a new group of people would take over the city, they would just build on top of what was already there. The Alcázar is a palace that was orginally built by Muslims and then added on to when the Christians took over the city. I find it so interesting to be able to see so much history from one building. My favorite part of the palace was the gardens. I feel as if I could wander through them for hours and still have so much to see. They were breath-takingly beautiful.

Later in the week, we finally visited the Cathedral. I say finally because we literally walk past it multiple times a day and we finally got to see inside of it. There really aren't any words that accurately describe the grand beauty of the Cathedral. Similarly to the Alcázar, it was first a mosque built by the Muslims and when the Christains took over they changed it into a Roman Catholic cathedral. Today it is the largest Gothic cathedral in the world and the 3rd largest church in the world. The altars in the church are so intricate and beautiful they take your breath away. I also found it so amazing that the people of that time could build such a huge beautiful building with what little technology they had. It really was a surreal experience.

Some of the altars in the Cathedral.

View of the city from the cathedral's tower.
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